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Introduction Bettylouise

I am a Senior Citzen. I have read all my life. Currently I an reading mostly mysteries. I like cozies. This web is new to me. Since I am looking my eyesight, I read mostly on my Kindle. I do have paperback books to read when my Kindle is charging. This year I decided to write reviews and have been putting them on Amazon and Goodreads.

I do not have a Facebook or Twitter accounts. I do have a Google+ one and belong to Yahoo reading groups. Married over 50 years. I do have a Bengal Cat named Kato who is now 11 years.

Recently I have found 3  New authors that I enjoy. One is Karen Musser Nortman. She has a camping series out. The first one is BATS AND BONES. The one I like is THE BLUE COYOTE. The other one is PEETE AND REPETE.

I will discuss the other later.

Burndt HOUSE

The Burnt House - Faye Kellerman Excitement, suspense and good police work is always found in Rina and Peter books. This one is no different. A plane crashes into a apartment Dector's district. There is no record of Rosanne Dresden of boarding the plane though she is list as kill in the crash. As the recovery continues Roseanne is not found. Everyone is excited when a woman's body is found. It was first assumed to Roseanne. However it is not. We have unknown victim and 2 murder cases to solve. The twist and turns are great and keep.you entrance.